Effective Strategies to Combat Yard Mole Damage

For homeowners and garden enthusiasts, the serene and well-manicured beauty of a lush green lawn often stands in peril against a most enigmatic adversary – the yard mole. These subterranean mammals, though typically harmless to humans, can wreak havoc on landscaping and pose a significant nuisance. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn effective strategies to take back your yard from these burrowing critters, ensuring your slice of green stays picture-perfect.

Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Damage Repair in Nashville TN
Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Damage Repair in Nashville TN

Origin of Yard Mole Damage

Yard mole damage is a common and frustrating issue for people who take pride in their outdoor spaces. Moles tunnel extensively foraging for their main food sources, like earthworms, insects, and grubs, which can leave your lawn looking like a labyrinth of raised ridges and sagging tunnels. While it’s tempting to take drastic measures, an understanding of the mole’s habits and a strategic approach are essential for control without causing harm to ecosystems or pets.

Understanding Yard Moles

The first step in combating yard mole damage is to understand the mole itself – its behavior and habitat. Moles are small mammals with cylindrical bodies, velvety fur, and powerful forelimbs for digging. They are perfectly suited for life underground and have a solitary and territorial nature, which makes a single mole infestation potentially decades-old and leaving you to deal with its intricate system.

Habits and Behaviors

Yard moles are active year-round, with no defined hibernation period, and they prefer loose, moist soil for easy burrowing. Their extensive tunnel system includes surface runways and deep tunnels, which moles use to both feed and breed. Interestingly, moles will clear surface tunnels of debris, creating mounds on your lawn, which denotes their feeding territories.

Signs of Mole Infestation

Detecting mole activity is crucial. Look for their characteristic mounds – conical shaped with a lateral, radial compaction of soil, as opposed to the dome-shaped piles of other burrowing creatures. Surface ridges and bare patches where the grass roots have been disturbed are also telltale signs of a mole’s presence.

Ground Mole Prevention Strategies

The best offense is often a good defense, and this holds true for yard mole control. Here are proactive measures to minimize the attractiveness of your lawn to moles.

Proper Lawn Maintenance

Regularly mowing your lawn and maintaining a healthy grass height (no more than 3 inches tall) will make your yard less appealing to moles. They prefer longer grass as it provides cover for their foraging and tunneling activities.

Natural Repellents

Some scents and natural compounds can deter moles. Planting mole-repelling plants like alliums, marigolds, and daffodils around the garden can help. Similarly, mole dislikes the scent of castor oil – a key ingredient in many mole repellents.

Physical Barriers

While fully enclosing your yard isn’t practical, you can protect specific areas like flower beds or vegetable gardens with wire mesh buried at least 2 feet deep. This prevents moles from accessing these more desirable spots.

Mole Control and Removal Methods

If prevention isn’t enough and you find your yard already under siege, it’s time to consider control and removal strategies.

Professional Services

For those with severe infestations, seeking the help of a professional mole control company can be the most effective route. They will assess the extent of the mole activity and use methods like trapping, baiting, and creating barriers to exclude moles from your yard.

DIY Approaches

For those preferring a more hands-on approach, there are several DIY methods to consider. Mole traps are perhaps the most effective, with a variety of types available, including harpoon, scissor-jaw, and choker loop. Before using traps, it is essential to locate active tunnels – the ones repaired or in use are good indicators.

Mole repellents like castor oil sprays or granules can also be used. While not as reliably effective as trapping, they can deter future mole activity, particularly if used in conjunction with other strategies like maintaining short grass and minimizing watering to reduce soil moisture, which moles find attractive.

Exclusion can also be a successful tactic. Define your property lines with a buried barrier, like a fence or chicken wire that extends at least 24 inches into the ground, taking care to bend the bottom outward to discourage burrowing.


Your yard is an extension of your home and deserves the same level of care and attention. By staying vigilant and combining the strategies outlined in this guide, you’re better equipped to tackle the challenge of yard mole damage effectively. Remember, the key to successful mole control is patience and persistence. Taking action against these elusive creatures not only restores the peace in your yard but also contributes to the overall health and beauty of your outdoor space.

Are you interested in getting rid of animal moles AS FAST AS POSSIBLE? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured animal mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Mole Infestation: Identifying and Repairing Lawn Damage
Climbing the Molehill: A Comprehensive Guide to Yard Mole Treatment
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A Comprehensive Guide to Moles and Their Behavior

Moles, creatures known for their industrious tunneling, can cause noticeable damage to your yard with their incessant digging. These small mammals, while fascinating in their own right, can become a considerable nuisance when they decide to make your garden their playground. Their tunneling and molehill creation not only disfigure the landscape but also harm the roots of plants.

While there are various control measures from mole repellents to homemade remedies, managing a mole infestation might require professional intervention. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into understanding moles, their behavior, and effective yard mole control strategies, highlighting the importance of professional mole removal.

Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Removal in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Removal in Nashville Tennessee

Ground Moles and Their Behavior

Ground moles, also referred to as yard moles, lawn moles, and garden moles, are underground-dwelling animals that belong to the Talpidae family. They have cylindrical bodies, powerful forelimbs with large spade-like paws, and velvety fur. These adaptations aid in their digging habits, allowing them to tunnel through soil easily. They also boast excellent hearing and smell senses but have poor eyesight.

Moles possess elongated snouts with sharp teeth, which they use to feed on insects, worms, and grubs found underground. They play a vital role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling but can become problematic when their digging behaviors interfere with human activity.

Nuisance Yard Mole Damage

Moles are solitary creatures that create intricate tunnel systems in search of food. Their digging habits can cause significant damage to your yard, including the creation of molehills and shallow tunnels running beneath the surface. Molehills are mounds of soil that form when moles excavate their tunnels near the ground’s surface, pushing up the excess soil as they move along. These unsightly molehills not only ruin the appearance of your yard, but they can also make it challenging to mow the lawn or walk around without tripping. Furthermore, their tunnels can damage plant roots and destabilize the soil, making it susceptible to erosion.

Yard Mole Removal and Control

If you suspect a mole infestation in your yard, there are various control methods you can employ to manage the situation. Prevention measures such as removing their food source, applying mole repellents, and installing physical barriers can help deter moles from your yard. However, these methods may not always be effective. In such cases, it might be necessary to seek professional help for more efficient and long-term solutions. Professional companies have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to effectively remove moles from your yard without causing harm to the environment.

The Importance of Professional Animal Mole Removal

While there are various DIY methods for mole control, hiring a professional company is crucial in ensuring the safe and effective removal of moles from your yard. Attempting to remove ground moles yourself can be dangerous as they may bite when threatened, and their tunnels can collapse, causing injury. Moreover, professional companies have access to mole repellents and traps that are not available to the public. They also have the expertise to identify and address underlying issues that may be attracting moles to your yard in the first place.


Moles may seem like innocent creatures, but their digging habits can cause significant damage to your yard. Understanding their behavior is essential in effectively controlling and removing moles from your yard. While there are various methods for mole control, hiring a professional company is the safest and most effective approach. Don’t let mole damage ruin your yard – take action and enlist the help of professionals to keep these critters at bay.  So next time you spot those telltale molehills in your yard, remember this comprehensive guide and take the necessary steps to protect your outdoor space from mole damage.

Are you interested in getting rid of lawn moles with professional strategies that work fast? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard
Tips for Gardeners: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
How to Keep Moles Out of the Garden: Tips and Tricks

The Underground Diet: What Do Yard Moles Really Eat?

Welcome to our deep dive into the fascinating world of yard moles and their intriguing underground diet. In this blog post, we will explore what exactly attracts these burrowing creatures to our lawns and how their diet influences their habitat choice.

We’ll unravel the mystery behind their preference for certain backyards over others and discuss the role of grubs in attracting these creatures. Lastly, we’ll arm you with effective strategies for grub control and mole control to safeguard your beautiful garden from these unwelcome guests. So, join us as we venture below the surface to discover the secret life of yard moles.

Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Removal and Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Yard Mole Removal and Control in Nashville Tennessee

The Fascinating World of Yard Moles

Yard moles, also known as common moles or eastern moles, are small insectivorous mammals found in North America. These elusive creatures spend most of their lives underground, rarely ever seen by humans. But what exactly do they eat down there? Contrary to popular belief, yard moles do not feed on grass or plant roots. In fact, they prefer a diet of earthworms, grubs, and other soil-inhabiting insects. These insects actually play a crucial role in maintaining soil health and nutrient cycling.

Earthworms, for example, are known as “ecosystem engineers” because they create and maintain channels in the soil for water and air to flow, improving drainage and aeration. Grubs, on the other hand, are decomposers that break down organic matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil. Despite their essential role in the soil, these insects are often overlooked and undervalued. A deeper understanding of the benefits that soil-inhabiting insects bring can help ensure their conservation and protection for generations to come.

The Role of Grubs in Attracting Yard Moles

So why do some lawns seem to be more appealing to yard moles than others? The answer lies in the underground buffet provided by lawn grubs. These white, worm-like larvae of numerous beetle species are a delicacy for yard moles and a major factor in attracting them to your garden. Lawns that have a high concentration of grubs are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for these creatures, making them more likely to take up residence in your backyard.

Grub Control: The First Step Towards Mole Control

If you want to keep yard moles away, the first step is to control the grub population in your lawn. Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of grubs, such as brown patches and wilting grass. If you do find them, there are several effective methods for controlling them, including using insecticides or introducing natural predators like nematodes. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lawn through proper watering and fertilization can also help prevent grub infestations.

Mole Control Strategies

Besides controlling grubs, there are other strategies you can employ to keep yard moles out of your garden. One effective method is to use mole repellents, such as castor oil-based products or vibrating stakes that mimic the sound of predators. Another option is to install physical barriers, such as underground fences or mesh screens, to prevent moles from burrowing into your lawn. Additionally, you can hire a professional pest control service that specializes in yard mole removal for more severe infestations.

To Summarize

In conclusion, the underground diet of yard moles plays a crucial role in their habitat choice and attraction to our lawns. By understanding their food preferences and taking measures to control grubs, we can effectively deter these creatures from wreaking havoc on our gardens. With the right strategies for grub control and mole control, you can ensure a healthy and beautiful lawn free from unwanted moles. Don’t let these creatures have their way underground; take action now to protect your yard!

Do you need professional assistance with persistent yard moles in your lawn or gardens? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole controls in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville and Clarksville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Repairing Molehills in the Yard
How to Keep Moles Out of the Garden: Tips and Tricks
Keeping Your Lawn Mole-Free: The Best Ground Mole Repellents

Keeping Your Lawn Mole-Free: The Best Ground Mole Repellents

Do you love a well-manicured lawn, but struggle with those pesky, industrious moles turning it into a battlefield? Fear not, as we are here to help you reclaim your beautiful green space. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of mole controls, exploring effective mole repellents and deterrents that promise to keep your lawn mole-free. Stay with us as we navigate the path to a pristinely-maintained and mole-free lawn.

Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Mole Repellent Service in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Mole Repellent Service in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Moles

Before we dive into the best mole repellents and deterrents, let’s first understand these critters. Contrary to popular belief, moles are not rodents but belong to the mammal family Talpidae. They are burrowing mammals that live underground and have cylindrical bodies with short legs and broad forefeet ideal for digging. These creatures possess excellent digging skills, and that coupled with their voracious appetite for worms, insects, and grubs makes them a formidable opponent to your lawn’s lush green grass.

Signs of Mole Activity

The first step in keeping your lawn mole-free is identifying the signs of mole activity. Here are some surefire signs that moles may have taken up residence in your grassy turf:

Mole tunnels and molehills: These are a clear indication of mole activity. Moles dig shallow tunnels to forage for food, which results in the characteristic raised ridges on your lawn’s surface.

Damaged roots or bulbs: As moles burrow through the soil, they may damage plant roots and bulbs. This can lead to stunted growth or even plant death.

Brown patches of grass: As moles search for food, they may uproot the grass, leading to unsightly brown patches on your lawn.

Natural Mole Repellents

If you have noticed any of the signs of moles mentioned above, it’s time to take action and keep these pesky creatures at bay. Here are some natural mole repellents to consider:

Plant natural deterrents: Planting daffodils, marigolds, alliums, or other plants with a strong smell can act as a natural mole deterrent. These plants have an odor that moles dislike and may steer them away from your lawn.

Use castor oil-based products: Castor oil is a natural mole repellent and can be found in various products like granules, sprays, or liquid concentrates. When applied to the soil, castor oil makes it unpalatable for moles and forces them to leave your lawn.

Attract predators: Owls, hawks, and snakes are natural predators of moles. Attracting these animals to your yard can help keep mole populations in check.

Chemical Mole Controls

For severe mole infestations, chemical controls may be necessary. However, it’s essential to remember that these products may also harm beneficial insects and earthworms. Therefore, use them sparingly and follow the instructions carefully. Here are some chemical mole controls to consider:

Mole repellent sprays: These are chemical products that can be sprayed on your lawn to deter moles. They work by releasing a foul odor that is unpleasant to moles but harmless to other animals.

Mole baits: Mole baits contain chemicals that are toxic to moles and can be placed in their tunnels to poison them. However, these products should be handled with care and kept away from children and pets.

Mole gas bombs: These are small smoke bombs that emit a toxic gas when lit. They work by filling the mole’s burrows with poisonous fumes, killing them in the process.

Preventing Future Infestations of Animal Moles

Once you have successfully gotten rid of the moles in your lawn, it’s vital to take preventative measures to avoid future infestations. Here are some tips to help you keep your lawn mole-free:

Maintain a well-manicured lawn: Moles love unkempt lawns as they provide ample cover for them to dig and forage. Keep your grass cut short and tidy up any debris or piles of leaves that may attract moles.

Install physical barriers: Installing a metal mesh or wire fence around your lawn can prevent moles from burrowing into your yard. Additionally, placing gravel or stones along the perimeter of your lawn can also act as a barrier.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, keeping your lawn mole-free requires patience and persistence. By being vigilant and using effective mole repellents and deterrents, you can successfully keep these industrious creatures at bay. Remember to always follow the instructions on any products you use and take preventative measures to avoid future infestations. With the right strategies in place, a beautiful, mole-free lawn is well within your reach.

Looking for professional help with animal mole extraction and exclusion? We can help. Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured lawn mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas, including Hendersonville, Brentwood, Kingston Springs, Clarksville, Murfreesboro, Ashland City, Gallatin, Lebanon, Smyrna, Nolensville, Mt. Juliet, Pleasant View, and all nearby towns!

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The Best Plants and Repellents to Keep Moles Away From Your Garden
Moles: Unearthing Facts about These Soil Diggers
What to Expect From a Professional Yard Mole Removal Company

Frequently Asked Questions About Repairing Molehills in the Yard

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dealing with one of the most common yard nuisances: yard moles, and ultimately, molehills. If you’ve ever wondered about the peculiar mounds of soil dotting your beautiful yard or the intricate mole tunnels beneath, you’re not alone. Yard mole removal is a topic that raises countless questions, and understandably so.

This blog post aims to answer frequently asked questions about repairing molehills in your yard, providing you with the much-needed knowledge to reclaim your outdoor space. So, let’s unravel the mystery of molehills together!

Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee

FAQS About Molehills and Mole Tunnels

What are molehills and why do they appear in my yard?

Molehills are small mounds of soil that resemble miniature volcanoes with a central opening at the top. They typically range from 4 to 8 inches in diameter, although some can be as large as 24 inches. These mounds are created by subterranean mammals known as moles, which are common in many parts of the world. Mole tunnels and hills appear in yards because moles burrow underground to create tunnels for shelter and food sources. They push excess soil upwards to create molehills as they dig, leaving behind a telltale sign of their presence.

Do molehills cause damage to my yard?

Mole tunnels and hills may seem like a minor inconvenience, but they can actually cause significant damage to your yard. As lawn moles dig and create tunnels, they uproot plants, damage roots, and disrupt the soil’s natural structure. This can lead to dead patches of grass, dying plants, and overall poor growth in your yard. Not to mention, mole lawn damage can be unsightly and make it challenging to mow your yard or walk on the uneven surface.

How do I get rid of moles in my yard?

Yard mole removal is a tricky task as these creatures are skilled at digging and can quickly repopulate even after being removed. The best way to deal with moles is through professional services, which utilize humane exclusion and extraction methods using specially designed traps that capture and release them elsewhere. It’s essential to act promptly as moles can cause significant damage if left unchecked for too long.

How do I repair molehills in my yard?

Once the moles are removed, it’s time to tackle those pesky molehills and tunnels. It’s vital to repair molehills promptly as they can create an ideal environment for weeds to grow, and the soil’s disruption can also lead to erosion. The first step is to level out the mound using a rake or shovel, being careful not to compact the soil too much. Then, add fresh topsoil or grass seed to fill in any gaps left behind by the mole’s tunnels. Lastly, water the repaired area thoroughly to help the soil settle and promote new growth.

How can I prevent moles from returning to my yard?

Preventing moles from returning to your yard involves making your lawn less attractive to them. This includes regularly mowing your lawn, removing any debris or clutter that could provide shelter for moles, and keeping your yard well-watered to discourage them from digging. Some people swear by natural deterrents such as castor oil or garlic bulbs, but these methods may not work for everyone. Ultimately, the best way to prevent moles is to have a healthy lawn that is regularly maintained.


Molehills and tunneling damage in your yard can be a frustrating sight, but they don’t have to be a permanent fixture. By understanding what causes them and how to deal with moles and repair their damage, you can effectively reclaim your yard. Remember, prevention is key, so it’s essential to have a well-maintained lawn to deter moles from returning.

We hope this blog has answered some of your burning questions about repairing molehills! Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole lawn damage repair in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas, including Brentwood, Clarksville, Hendersonville, Smyrna, Nolensville, Murfreesboro, Gallatin, Lebanon, Mt. Juliet, Kingston Springs, Ashland City, Pleasant View, and all nearby towns!

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Mole Infestation: Identifying and Repairing Lawn Damage
Tips for Gardeners: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
The Best Plants and Repellents to Keep Moles Away From Your Garden

What Does It Really Cost to Remove Moles from Your Yard?

Homeowners take great pride in maintaining a well-manicured lawn, but mole invasions can quickly turn that dream into a nightmare. These small, subterranean mammals are notorious for their extensive tunneling activities, which can wreak havoc on your beautiful yard. But how much does mole control really cost? Is it a significant dent in your wallet or a manageable expense?

In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of yard mole removal, examining the factors that influence the cost and providing you with a clear understanding of what you may be up against.

Call 629-277-0933 for Yard Mole Removal in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 for Yard Mole Removal in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Mole Behavior and Damage

To fully understand the cost of removing moles from your yard, it’s important to first understand their behavior and the damage they can cause. Moles are solitary creatures that spend most of their lives underground, digging tunnels in search of food. These tunnels can span up to 18 inches per hour, causing extensive damage to plant roots, flower beds, and even your lawn’s irrigation system. Furthermore, their feeding activities can disturb the soil, creating unsightly mounds of dirt and potentially destabilizing the ground.

Factors That Influence Yard Mole Removal Cost

When it comes to the cost of removing moles from your yard, several factors come into play. The severity of the infestation is a significant consideration, as more extensive tunnels and damage will require more time and resources to address. The size of your yard is also a factor, as larger yards may require more traps or treatments to effectively remove moles. Additionally, the type of treatment you choose can impact the cost significantly. Traditional methods like mole traps are often cheaper than alternative solutions such as sonic repellents or hiring professional yard mole removal company.

DIY vs. Professional Mole Removal

While there are numerous DIY mole control solutions available, it’s essential to weigh the potential cost savings against the effectiveness and safety of these methods. Many DIY techniques, such as poison bait or smoke bombs, can be harmful to both humans and pets if not used correctly. They can also be against the law in your jurisdiction.

Furthermore, inexperienced homeowners may not have the knowledge or skills to effectively remove moles, leading to less than desirable results and potentially further expenses down the line. In contrast, hiring a professional mole removal service may be more expensive upfront but can save you time, effort, and potential damage in the long run.

Using Mole Repellent

There are animal repellents available over the counter to help keep these creatures at bay. You can also make your own mole repellent. Such mole controls come in different forms, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices that emit vibrations to deter them from tunneling. It is essential to choose the right mole repellent for your needs and to follow instructions on proper usage. Mole deterrents are a safe and effective way to protect your lawn, garden, and other outdoor spaces from destruction while being environmentally friendly. With the right mole repellent, you can maintain a beautiful landscape free from unwanted and destructive guests.


In conclusion, while there is no one definitive cost for removing moles from your yard, it’s crucial to consider the factors mentioned above and carefully weigh your options. The severity of the infestation, the size of your yard, and the type of treatment you choose can all influence the final cost. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the potential risks and expenses associated with DIY mole control methods versus hiring a professional service.

Ultimately, investing in proper mole removal is not only vital for maintaining the beauty of your yard but also for protecting its integrity and preventing potential costly repairs. So, if you’re faced with a mole invasion, it’s best to act quickly and make an informed decision that will save you time, money, and stress in the long run. Your beautiful lawn will thank you for it!

Are you most interested in getting rid of lawn moles as fast as possible? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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The Best Plants and Repellents to Keep Moles Away From Your Garden
A Comprehensive Guide to Using Animal Mole Repellents
Moles in Your Garden: Friend or Foe?

Ground Moles: The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Yard

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dealing with one of the most common nuisances homeowners face – ground moles. These little creatures can transform a perfect lawn into a network of tunnels and mounds overnight, making yard mole removal a topic of great concern for many.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of ground moles, from understanding their behavior to effective mole controls that will help you reclaim your yard. So, if you’ve ever found yourself looking at the labyrinth of trails on your lawn and wondering how to protect your prized green space, this guide is for you. let’s dive in!

Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Ground Moles in Nashville TN
Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Ground Moles in Nashville TN

What are Ground Moles?

Ground moles are small mammals that can grow up to 7 inches in length. They have a cylindrical body, short legs, and powerful claws which they use to dig tunnels and burrow their way through the soil. Despite being commonly referred to as pests, animal moles don’t actually feed on plants or vegetables. Instead, they feed on earthworms and other small invertebrates which they find in the soil.

How Do Ground Moles Cause Damage?

Yard moles can cause significant damage to lawns and gardens. They create tunnels and pathways while digging through the soil in search of food, leaving behind unsightly ridges and mounds of dirt in their wake. In addition, the tunnels can weaken the roots of surrounding plants, leading to damage and death.

How Can You Tell If Ground Moles are On Your Property?

If you suspect ground moles are on your property, there are several signs to look for – the most common being:

Molehills: The most common sign of lawn moles is the presence of molehills. These are mounds of loose soil that can range in size from small to large, depending on how active the mole has been.

Tunnels: Moles create long winding tunnels underneath the soil which can be identified by their meandering S-shape. If you suspect a tunnel near your plants, gently squeeze the soil to see if it collapses.

Spongy Areas of the Lawn: If you walk on your lawn and notice there are large sections that feel like a mattress or sponge beneath your feet, you could have a mole infestation.

How To Get Rid of Ground Moles

Once you’ve identified that ground moles are the culprit behind your lawn or garden damage, it’s time to take action and protect your space. There are a variety of methods for getting rid of these pesky critters, from mole traps and repellents to professional yard mole removal services. Let’s explore each of these options in detail.

Mole Traps

Mole traps are an effective and humane way to get rid of ground moles. They work by attracting the mole with bait and then trapping it when it enters the trap. Trapping should be done in the early morning or late evening, as this is when moles are most active.


Repellents are an easy and non-lethal way to spook ground moles away from your property. These products contain natural or chemical ingredients that work together to create a scent or taste that moles find unappealing, causing them to stay away from the area.

Professional Mole Extermination

If you’re dealing with a particularly serious mole infestation, professional ground mole removal services can be an effective solution. Licensed professionals will inspect your property and use specialized techniques to get rid of the moles in the yard once and for all.


Ground moles can wreak havoc on lawns and gardens, leaving behind unsightly piles of dirt and weakening the roots of plants. The good news is that there are a variety of options for getting rid of these critters, from mole traps and repellents to professional animal mole removal. With this guide, you now have the tools and knowledge you need to protect your yard and reclaim it as your own.

Would you like to get rid of ground moles even faster? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Tips for Gardeners: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard
Tips for Controlling Nuisance Ground Moles

Mole Infestation: Identifying and Repairing Lawn Damage

When you see those dreaded mounds of dirt dispersed across your once pristine lawn, your heart sinks. Yes, you’ve become the unsuspecting victim of a mole infestation. These subterranean dwellers, known as yard moles, have the uncanny ability to wreak havoc on your residential haven, turning it into a maze of unsightly tunnels.

But don’t despair; this blog post will serve as your comprehensive guide. We’ll explore how to identify mole infestation, understand the extent of lawn damage it can cause, and most importantly, uncover effective strategies to repair and restore your lawn to its former glory. Let’s dig into the details!

Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee

Signs of a Yard Mole Infestation

First, let’s take a look at identifying mole infestation. A good indication that you may have an issue is piles of dirt that appear to be neatly arranged within your lawn. These are the tell-tale signs of yard mole activity as they burrow underground, creating networks of tunnels and mounds above them. Additionally, if there are patches of dead grass around these mounds, this is an indication that the mole activity has disrupted the roots below.

Of course, it’s important to understand the extent of damage caused by these critters. Unfortunately, a turf war can quickly erupt as yard moles create large networks of tunnels beneath your lawn. Not only do they disrupt your grass and its root system, but they can also uproot young plants and displace large amounts of soil. All these activities can cause severe damage to your lawn and garden beds, leading to costly repairs and crushing losses.

How to Repair Lawn Damage Caused By Moles

Finally, it’s important to know the steps you can take to repair and restore your lawn after a mole infestation. It’s essential that you first get rid of moles in your lawn before any attempts at sod or ground restoration are made. This can be done through mole trapping, repellents, or other techniques. It is strongly encouraged, and often required by state law, to hire a licensed and insured wildlife control company for professional yard mole removal and control services.

Once yard moles are gone, you can repair the damage they left behind by filling in and leveling out any areas disrupted by their tunneling activities. You should also consider reseeding your lawn with fresh grass seed to help restore damaged patches. With continued lawn care, you can get your yard back in tip-top shape before the end of the season!

Mole Controls for Lawns and Gardens

But the fight against mole infestation doesn’t have to stop here: there are a variety of preventative measures you can take to reduce the chances of another infestation occurring down the line. Regularly maintaining your lawn by mowing it on a consistent basis and keeping it free from debris can help keep moles away, as they are less likely to inhabit an area without cover. Additionally, consider tackling any potential food sources for the moles in your yard such as grubs, earthworms, or other pests. By following these preventative measures and responding quickly to indications of nuisance ground moles, you can ensure that your lawn remains mole-free well into the future.

Wrapping Up

Mole infestation can be a serious issue, but armed with knowledge and a plan of action, you can tackle it head on. By understanding how to identify mole infestation, understanding the damage they cause, and knowing how to repair and restore your lawn from their activities, you’ll be one step closer to having the lawn of your dreams.

Are you interested in getting rid of lawn moles in the fastest way possible? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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The Best Plants and Repellents to Keep Moles Away From Your Garden

If you have a garden, chances are you’ve had to deal with yard moles at some point. These pesky creatures can wreak havoc on your garden beds and their yields, leaving unsightly mounds of dirt behind. Luckily, there are several ways to keep them away from your precious greenery. From plants that deter moles to mole deterrents and repellents, here is a comprehensive guide on the best methods for keeping these critters out of your yard.

Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Yard Moles In and Around Nashville
Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Yard Moles In and Around Nashville

Why Moles are Attracted to Your Property?

Lawn mole infestations can be a nuisance for garden enthusiasts and homeowners alike. While these small mammals may appear cute and harmless, their burrowing habits can cause significant damage to gardens and lawns. Mole infestations often occur due to an abundance of food sources in the surrounding area, such as insects and grubs, which serve as a primary food source for lawn moles. Additionally, factors like soil type, moisture levels, and temperature can make certain areas more attractive to these creatures. Proper pest management practices, as well as understanding the underlying causes of infestations, can help prevent mole populations from wreaking havoc on your property.

How to Get Rid of Yard Moles

The Best Plants to Repel Moles

Certain plants can keep moles away from your lawn. The strong odors of garlic, castor beans, and marigolds are all known to repel garden moles. Planting a variety of these plants around the perimeter of your yard is an effective way to make sure moles stay away. Other good options include chrysanthemums, daffodils, and lavender.

Mole Repellents and Controls

In addition to planting natural deterrents, there are also several products available that will help you keep moles from infiltrating your garden. Mole repellents come in liquid or granule form and work by emitting an unpleasant odor that the moles find offensive. You can also purchase traps and barriers to keep them out of certain areas of your lawn. For bigger infestations, professional mole control services may be necessary.

Homemade Repellent for Moles

There are also homemade solutions available to help repel these pesky critters. One option is to create a non-toxic mole repellent using castor oil, dish soap, and water. Simply mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle and apply to the affected areas of your yard. The strong smell and taste of the repellent will help to keep the moles at bay. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can reclaim your yard and enjoy a mole-free environment.

Take Back Control of Your Lawn With the Proper Mole Controls

Keeping garden moles away from your lawn doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With the right combination of plants, repellents, and traps, you can protect your garden from these pesky creatures. Planting garlic, castor beans or marigolds around the perimeter of your yard is an effective way to keep them out.

You can also purchase liquid or granule mole repellents as well as barriers and traps for larger infestations. If all else fails, professional mole control services may be necessary to completely get rid of any existing pest problem in your yard. By following this guide on how to best repel moles, you should no longer have to worry about damage caused by these critters!

Professional Mole Removal and Control

If your garden and lawn mole problem persists no matter which strategies you try, it is time to call in a professional. A licensed and insured wildlife control company can offer safe and effective animal removal services for mole infestations at any scope. And please remember – never attempt to harm, trap, or kill a yard mole.

Are you interested in getting rid of lawn moles with professional strategies that work fast? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Fascinating Facts about Animal Moles You Never Knew

Have you ever stopped to wonder what secrets lie beneath a molehill? Animal moles are mysterious and fascinating creatures that have been around for centuries. They’re not just small burrowing animals, but complex organisms with unique abilities and behavior patterns. Here are some fascinating facts about animal moles you never knew! From their remarkable tunneling skills to the surprising system that they use to find food, these interesting tidbits will leave you impressed by the power of nature. Read on to learn more about this amazing species!

Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Animal Mole Controls in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Animal Mole Controls in Nashville Tennessee

Top Animal Mole Facts That Will Surprise You

Moles are Underground Architects

One of the most incredible facts about animal moles is their ability to tunnel. They use their long and slender claws to dig tunnels that are up to 10 meters (33 ft) deep! This is an incredibly impressive feat – especially considering that molehills only measure a few inches in height. To put this into perspective, one mole could travel as far as one mile when digging through the soil!

Moles Find Food With Their Nose

Another fascinating fact about animal moles is how they find food. Unlike other animals, moles don’t rely solely on their sight or smell to locate prey – they also feel with their sensitive snouts! This helps them detect vibrations from underground insects, worms, and other small critters they can feast on.

Moles Have Strong Paws for Digging

Moles also have incredibly strong front feet which they use for digging and pushing. In fact, some species are so strong that they can lift objects up to 10 times their own body weight! This is an adaptation that allows them to move more soil when tunneling underground.

Moles Communicate Via Stridulation

Finally, animal moles have a unique way of communicating with each other. They do this by making a tapping sound called “stridulation” which can be heard from up to 6 meters away! Scientists believe this sound is used as a warning sign or territorial call, but there is still much left to learn about its purpose.

Share Your Ground Mole Knowledge With Others!

These amazing facts about animal moles show just how unique and powerful these creatures really are. From their incredible tunneling abilities to their strong front feet, moles have a lot of interesting adaptations that make them one of the most fascinating species in the animal kingdom. The next time you come across a molehill, take a minute to appreciate these incredible creatures!

How to Control Yard Moles on Your Property

Do you find yourself frustrated by pesky yard moles ruining your lawn and garden? Fear not, there are several methods for yard mole control that can help you take back control of your property. One effective solution is to use castor oil-based repellents, which create an unpleasant environment for moles and encourage them to search for a new home elsewhere.

Another option is installing physical barriers underground, such as mesh or hardware cloth, to prevent moles from burrowing in the first place. Additionally, trapping and relocating moles can be an ideal solution for those who want to humanely remove these critters from their yard. If you are looking for the best way to get rid of yard moles, hire a professional wildlife removal company that specializes in professional-grade mole controls. By utilizing these tactics and others, you can effectively control yard moles and keep your property looking its best.

Do you need professional assistance with persistent yard moles in your lawn or gardens? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole controls in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville and Clarksville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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