Garden Invaders: Understanding the Differences Between Moles and Voles

Every gardener’s nightmare is to wake up and find their manicured lawn transformed overnight into a network of raised earth ridges, or their tender plants viciously chewed down to the roots. These could be telltale signs of yard moles or voles causing havoc in your beloved garden. But how can you tell whether it’s a mole or a vole?

This blog aims to shed light on the differences between these two little garden invaders, from their physical attributes, their habits, to their preferred meals. We’ll also offer insights into effective wildlife control measures to help you safeguard your yard. Understanding these creatures is the first step in reclaiming your garden. Let’s delve in!

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The Common Vole
Get Rid of Ground Moles Nashville TN
Common Yard Mole

Moles Versus Voles

Moles and voles are two different species of animal. They are not the same animal, even though their names rhyme. Here is a detailed explanation of both a yard mole and a garden vole:

What is a Yard Mole?

Moles are small, furry animals that have adapted to living underground. They are often found in gardens and lawns, where they create elaborate tunnel systems using their powerful paws. These tunnels can be up to 18 inches deep, and moles use them to hunt for their preferred prey of earthworms. Moles are not rodents like voles; instead, they belong to the order Insectivora, and they are more closely related to shrews.

What is a Vole?

Voles, on the other hand, may resemble small mice because they are in fact rodents. They are also known as meadow mice, field mice, or pine voles. Voles have a shorter tail compared to their rodent relatives and are typically found in fields, gardens, meadows, or orchards. Unlike moles, voles do not burrow underground; instead, they create shallow tunnels just under the surface of the soil.

Additional Differences Between a Vole and a Mole

Physical Attributes

At first glance, one might mistake a mole for a vole and vice versa. But upon closer examination, their physical differences become apparent. Moles are insectivorous mammals that have cylindrical bodies with velvety fur, small eyes, and no visible ears. Their large front paws have long claws that help them dig extensive networks of underground tunnels. In contrast, voles are small rodents with rounded bodies covered in short fur and small eyes and ears. Their front paws have shorter claws compared to moles, adapted for digging shallow burrows near the surface.

The Habitat and Habits

Moles prefer moist, loamy soil found in fields, meadows, pastures, or gardens. They primarily feed on earthworms, grubs, and other insects found in the soil. These solitary creatures are most active during early mornings or evenings and spend most of their time underground. On the other hand, voles are herbivores that prefer grassy areas with dense vegetation for cover. They create shallow tunnels near the surface to access food sources such as roots, bulbs, and tubers from plants. Unlike moles, voles are social creatures that live in large colonies.

The Litter Size

Moles and voles also differ in terms of their reproduction rates. While moles typically have one litter of 2-7 pups per year, voles can produce up to 13 litters annually, with each litter consisting of  3-6 pups. This high reproductive rate is one of the reasons why voles can cause much more damage to your garden in a shorter amount of time compared to moles.

Wildlife Control Measures

Effective wildlife control measures involve identifying and understanding the intruders’ habits, behavior, and preferred habitats. For instance, since moles are solitary creatures that dig deep tunnels, trapping or using repellents may be more effective in getting rid of them. On the other hand, voles live in colonies and are more susceptible to exclusion methods such as fencing or planting barriers around your garden. Additionally, keeping your lawn tidy by removing piles of debris can discourage these creatures from taking up residence in your yard.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the physical differences, habitats, habits, and reproductive rates of moles and voles can help you identify the culprit behind your garden destruction. It is also crucial to choose appropriate wildlife control measures based on the type of invader in your yard. With this knowledge in hand, you can protect your beloved garden from these pesky invaders and enjoy a beautiful and healthy outdoor space all year round. 

Would you like some professional critter control help with nuisance yard moles? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured mole trapping and removal services in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We serve both residential and commercial customers.

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Climbing the Molehill: A Comprehensive Guide to Yard Mole Treatment

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on overcoming the mole invasion in your yard. Moles, while tiny and almost charming in appearance, can wreak havoc on your beautiful lawn, turning it into a maze of unsightly molehills and tunnels.

In this guide, we’ll delve into effective yard mole treatment and removal strategies to regain control over your outdoor space. From understanding mole behavior to exploring various mole control measures, we aim to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to restore your lawn to its former glory.

Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Yard Mole Treatment in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Yard Mole Treatment in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding Mole Behavior

Before we jump into treatment options, it’s essential to understand mole behavior and why they’re so destructive in the first place. Moles are small mammals that live underground and feed on insects, grubs, and earthworms. They have a highly specialized body structure, with large front paws designed for digging tunnels quickly. This makes them excellent hunters and efficient diggers, but it also means they can cause significant damage to your yard in a short amount of time.

Moles are most active during the spring and summer months as they search for food and mates. They tend to create extensive networks of tunnels just below the surface, which can displace large amounts of soil, resulting in those familiar molehills on your lawn. Furthermore, their tunneling can damage plant roots and make it challenging to maintain a healthy lawn.

Effective Yard Mole Treatment Options

Now that we have a better understanding of mole behavior let’s explore some effective yard mole treatment options. The most common methods for controlling moles include trapping, repellents, and home remedies.


Trapping is a popular and effective method for removing moles from your yard. There are various types of mole traps available, including spear and harpoon traps, scissor traps, and box traps. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when setting up these traps to ensure they’re placed in high-traffic areas and set correctly.


Another way to control moles in your yard is by using mole repellents. These come in the form of granules or sprays and emit a foul odor that repels moles from the treated area. While some people swear by these products, their effectiveness varies, and they may need frequent reapplication for long-term results.

Home Remedies

If you prefer a more natural approach, there are several home remedies for mole control that you can try. These include castor oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes. While they may not be as effective as trapping or repellents, they can act as a deterrent and make your lawn less attractive to moles.

Preventing Future Mole Invasions

Aside from treating existing mole infestations, it’s essential to take preventive measures to avoid future invasions. This includes keeping your lawn well-maintained and free of debris, as this can attract moles looking for food and shelter. You can also install mesh barriers around the perimeter of your yard or use plants that repel moles, such as daffodils and alliums.

In Conclusion

Dealing with a mole invasion can be frustrating and time-consuming, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can effectively control and prevent future infestations. By understanding mole behavior, utilizing effective treatment methods, and taking preventive measures, you can reclaim your yard and keep it free from these pesky creatures. We hope this guide has been helpful in your quest to overcome the mole invasion and restore your beautiful lawn.

Are you interested in getting rid of yard moles with professional approaches that work fast? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Fascinating Facts about Animal Moles You Never Knew

Have you ever stopped to wonder what secrets lie beneath a molehill? Animal moles are mysterious and fascinating creatures that have been around for centuries. They’re not just small burrowing animals, but complex organisms with unique abilities and behavior patterns. Here are some fascinating facts about animal moles you never knew! From their remarkable tunneling skills to the surprising system that they use to find food, these interesting tidbits will leave you impressed by the power of nature. Read on to learn more about this amazing species!

Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Animal Mole Controls in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 For Professional Animal Mole Controls in Nashville Tennessee

Top Animal Mole Facts That Will Surprise You

Moles are Underground Architects

One of the most incredible facts about animal moles is their ability to tunnel. They use their long and slender claws to dig tunnels that are up to 10 meters (33 ft) deep! This is an incredibly impressive feat – especially considering that molehills only measure a few inches in height. To put this into perspective, one mole could travel as far as one mile when digging through the soil!

Moles Find Food With Their Nose

Another fascinating fact about animal moles is how they find food. Unlike other animals, moles don’t rely solely on their sight or smell to locate prey – they also feel with their sensitive snouts! This helps them detect vibrations from underground insects, worms, and other small critters they can feast on.

Moles Have Strong Paws for Digging

Moles also have incredibly strong front feet which they use for digging and pushing. In fact, some species are so strong that they can lift objects up to 10 times their own body weight! This is an adaptation that allows them to move more soil when tunneling underground.

Moles Communicate Via Stridulation

Finally, animal moles have a unique way of communicating with each other. They do this by making a tapping sound called “stridulation” which can be heard from up to 6 meters away! Scientists believe this sound is used as a warning sign or territorial call, but there is still much left to learn about its purpose.

Share Your Ground Mole Knowledge With Others!

These amazing facts about animal moles show just how unique and powerful these creatures really are. From their incredible tunneling abilities to their strong front feet, moles have a lot of interesting adaptations that make them one of the most fascinating species in the animal kingdom. The next time you come across a molehill, take a minute to appreciate these incredible creatures!

How to Control Yard Moles on Your Property

Do you find yourself frustrated by pesky yard moles ruining your lawn and garden? Fear not, there are several methods for yard mole control that can help you take back control of your property. One effective solution is to use castor oil-based repellents, which create an unpleasant environment for moles and encourage them to search for a new home elsewhere.

Another option is installing physical barriers underground, such as mesh or hardware cloth, to prevent moles from burrowing in the first place. Additionally, trapping and relocating moles can be an ideal solution for those who want to humanely remove these critters from their yard. If you are looking for the best way to get rid of yard moles, hire a professional wildlife removal company that specializes in professional-grade mole controls. By utilizing these tactics and others, you can effectively control yard moles and keep your property looking its best.

Do you need professional assistance with persistent yard moles in your lawn or gardens? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole controls in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville and Clarksville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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