Moles: Unearthing Facts about These Soil Diggers

Moles, particularly the European mole, are fascinating creatures that are often misunderstood. These elusive soil diggers are shrouded in mystery, spending most of their lives hidden away under the ground. Despite their reclusive nature, their presence is usually marked by the distinct mole damage that can be seen across lawns and fields.

In this blog post, we delve underground to unearth the unique characteristics of moles, demystify some common misconceptions, and discuss effective mole control strategies. Join us on this exciting journey as we go beneath the surface to explore the captivating world of these subterranean creatures.

Call 629-277-0933 For Animal Mole Extermination in Nashville TN
Call 629-277-0933 For Animal Mole Extermination in Nashville TN

The Life of a Mole

Moles are small, cylindrical mammals that belong to the Talpidae family. They are found in many parts of the world, with some species native to Europe and others endemic to North America. The European mole is among the most well-known species, inhabiting much of western and central Europe. These moles have short, dense fur that ranges in color from black to grayish-brown, allowing them to blend in with their underground surroundings. They also have large front paws with sharp claws, perfectly adapted for digging through the soil.

Moles are solitary animals that spend most of their lives underground in a complex network of burrows and tunnels. The European mole is known to dig up to 20 meters of tunnels per day, creating an intricate system for feeding and sheltering. These tunnels can be found at various depths, depending on the season and food availability. In winter, moles tend to dig deeper as they search for earthworms that burrow deep into the ground to escape the cold weather.  However, in warmer months, moles can be found closer to the surface where they feed on insects and their larvae.

Myths vs. Facts

Moles have long been considered pests due to the damage they can cause to lawns and crops. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding these creatures that need to be debunked. One of the most common myths is that moles are blind. In reality, they have small eyes and poor vision, but they can still detect light and movement. Moles also do not eat plant roots as commonly believed; their diet consists mainly of insects and earthworms. Additionally, moles are not rodents but belong to a separate family altogether. 

Controlling Mole Damage

While moles may play a vital role in aerating and enriching the soil, their presence can also be problematic for homeowners and farmers. The extensive network of tunnels they create can damage plants’ root systems and make it challenging to maintain a smooth lawn surface. Fortunately, there are various mole control methods available, including both humane and lethal options. Some effective strategies include using traps, repellents, or natural predators such as owls or snakes. It is essential to research and carefully consider the best approach for your specific situation before taking any action.


Moles may be elusive and often misunderstood, but they are remarkable creatures that play a crucial role in the ecosystem. By understanding their behavior and debunking common myths, we can learn to coexist with these soil diggers peacefully. If you encounter mole damage on your property, remember that there are various humane ways to control their population without harming them. With proper knowledge and management techniques, we can appreciate the fascinating world of moles while still maintaining a healthy environment for all.  So, let’s continue to unearth facts about these soil diggers and spread awareness about responsible mole control practices.

Are you interested in getting rid of animal moles the right way, but more importantly, and FAST? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured animal mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

Related Posts:

Ground Moles: The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Yard
Moles in Your Garden: Friend or Foe?
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Frequently Asked Questions About Repairing Molehills in the Yard

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dealing with one of the most common yard nuisances: yard moles, and ultimately, molehills. If you’ve ever wondered about the peculiar mounds of soil dotting your beautiful yard or the intricate mole tunnels beneath, you’re not alone. Yard mole removal is a topic that raises countless questions, and understandably so.

This blog post aims to answer frequently asked questions about repairing molehills in your yard, providing you with the much-needed knowledge to reclaim your outdoor space. So, let’s unravel the mystery of molehills together!

Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 629-277-0933 for Lawn Mole Damage Repair and Control in Nashville Tennessee

FAQS About Molehills and Mole Tunnels

What are molehills and why do they appear in my yard?

Molehills are small mounds of soil that resemble miniature volcanoes with a central opening at the top. They typically range from 4 to 8 inches in diameter, although some can be as large as 24 inches. These mounds are created by subterranean mammals known as moles, which are common in many parts of the world. Mole tunnels and hills appear in yards because moles burrow underground to create tunnels for shelter and food sources. They push excess soil upwards to create molehills as they dig, leaving behind a telltale sign of their presence.

Do molehills cause damage to my yard?

Mole tunnels and hills may seem like a minor inconvenience, but they can actually cause significant damage to your yard. As lawn moles dig and create tunnels, they uproot plants, damage roots, and disrupt the soil’s natural structure. This can lead to dead patches of grass, dying plants, and overall poor growth in your yard. Not to mention, mole lawn damage can be unsightly and make it challenging to mow your yard or walk on the uneven surface.

How do I get rid of moles in my yard?

Yard mole removal is a tricky task as these creatures are skilled at digging and can quickly repopulate even after being removed. The best way to deal with moles is through professional services, which utilize humane exclusion and extraction methods using specially designed traps that capture and release them elsewhere. It’s essential to act promptly as moles can cause significant damage if left unchecked for too long.

How do I repair molehills in my yard?

Once the moles are removed, it’s time to tackle those pesky molehills and tunnels. It’s vital to repair molehills promptly as they can create an ideal environment for weeds to grow, and the soil’s disruption can also lead to erosion. The first step is to level out the mound using a rake or shovel, being careful not to compact the soil too much. Then, add fresh topsoil or grass seed to fill in any gaps left behind by the mole’s tunnels. Lastly, water the repaired area thoroughly to help the soil settle and promote new growth.

How can I prevent moles from returning to my yard?

Preventing moles from returning to your yard involves making your lawn less attractive to them. This includes regularly mowing your lawn, removing any debris or clutter that could provide shelter for moles, and keeping your yard well-watered to discourage them from digging. Some people swear by natural deterrents such as castor oil or garlic bulbs, but these methods may not work for everyone. Ultimately, the best way to prevent moles is to have a healthy lawn that is regularly maintained.


Molehills and tunneling damage in your yard can be a frustrating sight, but they don’t have to be a permanent fixture. By understanding what causes them and how to deal with moles and repair their damage, you can effectively reclaim your yard. Remember, prevention is key, so it’s essential to have a well-maintained lawn to deter moles from returning.

We hope this blog has answered some of your burning questions about repairing molehills! Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole lawn damage repair in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas, including Brentwood, Clarksville, Hendersonville, Smyrna, Nolensville, Murfreesboro, Gallatin, Lebanon, Mt. Juliet, Kingston Springs, Ashland City, Pleasant View, and all nearby towns!

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