Moles in Your Garden: Friend or Foe?

When it comes to gardening, you’ll find an array of creatures frequenting your green space, some welcomed and some not so much. Among these is a creature that often sparks debates among garden enthusiasts: the garden mole. These mysterious, burrowing mammals can be either a delight or a dread to gardeners, depending on how you view their role in your garden’s ecosystem.

In this blog post, we’re going to delve beneath the surface and uncover the truth about garden moles, providing you with practical mole control strategies and tips on garden protection. Are moles friends or foes to your garden? Let’s find out!

Call 629-277-0933 to Safely Get Rid of Garden Moles in Nashville TN
Call 629-277-0933 to Safely Get Rid of Garden Moles in Nashville TN

What is a Garden Mole?

Moles are small, insectivorous mammals that spend most of their time burrowing underground. Commonly found throughout gardens and lawns in North America and Europe, moles can create extensive networks of tunnels deep within the soil. While some gardeners may not appreciate their digging habits, it’s important to remember that moles play an important role in maintaining a healthy and balanced garden ecosystem. Moles consume a variety of pests such as grubs, slugs, and insects that can wreak havoc on your garden. Their burrowing habits also help aerate the soil, allowing it to remain healthy and rich for optimal plant growth.

The Problem With Mole Infestations in the Garden

Despite their beneficial role in the garden, moles can still cause quite a bit of trouble if not managed properly. Their underground tunnels can destabilize foundations and cause plants and trees to uproot. They also consume a large number of worms, which gardeners may depend on for healthy soil. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help protect your garden from mole infestations while still allowing them to flourish in their natural environment.

How to Get Rid of Yard Moles:

Mole Traps

One of the most effective methods for controlling moles is to trap them. Moles prefer open areas of ground and will travel along the same path repeatedly, making them easy to target with traps. Trapping moles can also help protect your garden from other pests that they may consume, such as grubs and slugs. It is important to hire a professional critter control company for mole trapping services. They have the proper training, resources, and equipment to safely and effectively trap moles and humanely get rid of them in accordance with state and federal laws.

Mole Repellents and Deterrents

Other methods for controlling moles include repellents or sonic devices that scare them away. Repellents can be sprayed directly onto the ground or applied to plants, while sonic devices emit high frequency sounds that moles are particularly sensitive to and will often avoid.

Environmental Modification

Finally, it’s important to remember that the best way to protect your garden from moles is to create an environment where they feel unwelcome. Keeping the lawn regularly trimmed and reducing moisture levels can help deter them from burrowing in your garden. Furthermore, stay on top of mole and grub control to abate the food source for nuisance moles.

To Conclude

So, are moles friends or foes? The answer is both! As long as you employ a few simple strategies to maintain and protect your garden, moles can be great allies in keeping pests at bay. With a bit of mole control knowledge and the right tools, you’ll soon have a vibrant and thriving garden. If you’re looking for more information about moles in the garden, check out our other blogs that further discuss how to prevent them from invading your yard. From traps to repellents and sonic devices, we have everything you need to keep your garden safe and healthy!

Are you ready for some professional assistance with nuisance garden moles? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured mole trapping and removal services in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We serve both residential and commercial customers.

Related Posts:

The Best Plants and Repellents to Keep Moles Away From Your Garden
Fascinating Facts about Animal Moles You Never Knew
Tips for Gardeners: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn

Ground Moles: The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Yard

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dealing with one of the most common nuisances homeowners face – ground moles. These little creatures can transform a perfect lawn into a network of tunnels and mounds overnight, making yard mole removal a topic of great concern for many.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of ground moles, from understanding their behavior to effective mole controls that will help you reclaim your yard. So, if you’ve ever found yourself looking at the labyrinth of trails on your lawn and wondering how to protect your prized green space, this guide is for you. let’s dive in!

Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Ground Moles in Nashville TN
Call 629-277-0933 to Get Rid of Ground Moles in Nashville TN

What are Ground Moles?

Ground moles are small mammals that can grow up to 7 inches in length. They have a cylindrical body, short legs, and powerful claws which they use to dig tunnels and burrow their way through the soil. Despite being commonly referred to as pests, animal moles don’t actually feed on plants or vegetables. Instead, they feed on earthworms and other small invertebrates which they find in the soil.

How Do Ground Moles Cause Damage?

Yard moles can cause significant damage to lawns and gardens. They create tunnels and pathways while digging through the soil in search of food, leaving behind unsightly ridges and mounds of dirt in their wake. In addition, the tunnels can weaken the roots of surrounding plants, leading to damage and death.

How Can You Tell If Ground Moles are On Your Property?

If you suspect ground moles are on your property, there are several signs to look for – the most common being:

Molehills: The most common sign of lawn moles is the presence of molehills. These are mounds of loose soil that can range in size from small to large, depending on how active the mole has been.

Tunnels: Moles create long winding tunnels underneath the soil which can be identified by their meandering S-shape. If you suspect a tunnel near your plants, gently squeeze the soil to see if it collapses.

Spongy Areas of the Lawn: If you walk on your lawn and notice there are large sections that feel like a mattress or sponge beneath your feet, you could have a mole infestation.

How To Get Rid of Ground Moles

Once you’ve identified that ground moles are the culprit behind your lawn or garden damage, it’s time to take action and protect your space. There are a variety of methods for getting rid of these pesky critters, from mole traps and repellents to professional yard mole removal services. Let’s explore each of these options in detail.

Mole Traps

Mole traps are an effective and humane way to get rid of ground moles. They work by attracting the mole with bait and then trapping it when it enters the trap. Trapping should be done in the early morning or late evening, as this is when moles are most active.


Repellents are an easy and non-lethal way to spook ground moles away from your property. These products contain natural or chemical ingredients that work together to create a scent or taste that moles find unappealing, causing them to stay away from the area.

Professional Mole Extermination

If you’re dealing with a particularly serious mole infestation, professional ground mole removal services can be an effective solution. Licensed professionals will inspect your property and use specialized techniques to get rid of the moles in the yard once and for all.


Ground moles can wreak havoc on lawns and gardens, leaving behind unsightly piles of dirt and weakening the roots of plants. The good news is that there are a variety of options for getting rid of these critters, from mole traps and repellents to professional animal mole removal. With this guide, you now have the tools and knowledge you need to protect your yard and reclaim it as your own.

Would you like to get rid of ground moles even faster? Contact Mole Miners at 629-277-0933 for TWRA licensed and insured yard mole removal in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve all greater Nashville areas. Request a free estimate, today!

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Tips for Gardeners: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard
Tips for Controlling Nuisance Ground Moles